Today was the day when students ones again runned out, raise up theire joy and party! :P Really nice spirit despite overcast weather and drizzel,, so was the people on top! =)) Really nice... more and more off this we need in this sociaty - despite all the drinkin!!! :) Or what do u think?
I have been tired and have some kind of cold for an while now :S ; mostly cos I don't go to bed in time and often need too go up around 9am. Bad habbit :O , know that I really Need Too CHANGE sooner than soon! :P
But in all this I manage too keep a good mood and have some fun. But when I feel the tired comming over me or just rush through and capture me:
Well (then) I get tired and easy upset or just look out in the blue. And becouse Im tired I yawn during the day.
Days like this are one of those days when I raither sit in and just goes out for an walk, but it wasn't so today. I woke up almost with a smile on my face (wasn't really so cos I also hurt my head and went back too sleep for an while, til' I needed too be awake :o) and saw that the weather was all gray.
Now Im sitting here writing and thinking that I new that this would be a good day, tjoheeej - cos I feelin good in my hart !!! =)
XOXO , j
Weard network! :o
The care unit are weard sometimes - well, a bit to often - and they can make som strange arrangement. And others in my network!!! :O Like meetings and other stuffs placed too late in the season like today!
What should I do???? They dont lissen on me annyway, maybe one off the SS do, but Im a bit sceptical too that bcos what happen today at the meeting, NRL.
Can't just flee,, need monney and so too!!!
Hugs , miss j
<3 Kaffedagen! :P <3
Såå off I go and too a coffee place in thiiis town! :P :P <3
Drick på! XOXO , jonna <3
Busy girl! :o Chills, NRL (swe) &'n much mooore!
Sitting at the libary in Lbg and sooon I will be off too the town and two, maybe - just maybe - a few store til'. If u see me: Just say "Hi!!! :)". Am not in the mood off a long talk bcos off my cold.
I can just do my best! Theire must be a stop off explaining and so on. :) Whe are only humans!
Have gr8 time!! :)) TC <3 , jm
Busy times continues, sickness, good changes & friends!
Have been busy for a long time now, mostly cos I'v been sick and are still a bit. But now I can finally see good changes! :)
Life isn't allways easy peasy :o :P , but U, miii and all others just gonna hang out. Yeh, so we can see when those glory days comes. And then we die... yeh that will also come - so don't we have to be afraid cos Jesus and Lord have blessed us 1000-fold and we gonna dance in heaven! :)
I start too actually look forward, but I also have to look back - so I don't, yeh really do not makes those same misstake ones again! Cos its easy to fall, but we gonna have faith! :)
I have really started too open my eyes too the good, do it u too! :)
Blesses and a happy easter , jonna <3
Gotta STOP staying up late! :o
Wached TV, different programs and ended up with a movie - "Livets hårda skola"/"Higher Learning" on TV3 who was followed some kids who starts at Columbus University. Good movie how things can turn around in peoples lifes.
This week have been okey.
Stayed at MM's place Tuesday night and went with her too school the following morning (yesterday). Have Christmas lunch and then hurried too train til'11:46. When I got to Linde I went to ICA and tried too buy food but the B.bank have made some misstake when I chanched my Visa-Card . . . Hmm. Then me and K ÅA went home to me and we made some X-mas candy. :) After that I was tiiiiired but I kept on cleaning at home the rest afternoon.
Now I gotta go and meet up with a nice friend!
TC everybody / j
Gotti gott i sjukdomstider!
Nu är jag ba allmänt förkyld! :@ Inte såå skojsit det heller . But thats life, my life!!!
<3 Alla ni så har mig på fb veeet nog vid detta laget att jag mig funnit en lgh (lägenhet). Flyttar hemifrån, dock från city o upp till Lbg Lasarett, men spännande o endel tufft kommer d bli till en början. Fast det är sånt man får ta! :) <3 <3
Strax ska morsilanius o jag till Polarresor för att beställa biljetterna från Sthlm o julhelgen som vi firar tillsammans med mormor. Sedan ska vi hem o fika lite. Jag ska duscha!!! :) Så blir d mat, så laktosfri som möjligt :p ... Efter det drar jag till Pingst på Ignite - tjej/kill-kväll. :D
Hare bra, TC
// j
Svininfluensan,, Nä men BiHÅLEINFLAMMATiON uq!
Förra månd (26e/10 (Oktober)) ringde vc mig kl 8 00 charp o jag mådde pyton - spec i halsen o ja kroppen. Fick tid kl13 hos Dr. Z M ... Läkarbesöket var normalt, fick medicin - ja, pencillinet "Kåvepenin" o någe mer.
Så hem o möte med KT (Monika o Rita), samt mor . Gick åt skogen ! :o
DÄCKAD o inställda möten o hemma i en vecka. Sammanfattning : USCH !!!
Såg så dagsljuset igen i måndags. Träffa KT (Elin) ... En urgullig ung kvinna i sina bästa dar. Vi snacka om killar , hehee ;) D var sköj ! Sen gick jag o mötte Hali, en nyfunnen kompis, på Lindeskolan (där ingen av oss har gått eller går) där hon hade träffat en kompis. Vi gick på stan.
Jag snuva o hosta m.m men d gick faktiskt oväntat bra !
Efter d har mitt liv sakta börjat komma igång ...
Imorn ska jag o ett gäng från Pingstkyrkan Lbg iväg till en ungdomskonferens i Hallsberg o curra o ha d trevligt med bra föreläsare ! :)) se www.curry09.se
Nu ska jag hem o packa,,,
Hare gott, XOXO jonna <3
Knepigt,, ej logga in på metrobloggen ! :o
ÖH ! :o Hahaa . Ändra om till samma, höhöhöö,, skuuuumt...
Nu funkar d igen!
O livet, ja d går ba vidare , j
Tomorrow: STHLM !!! Over the weekend ?!
I really hope I can get some free-time :) over theire as well !!! Cos mum, she just seems to need me around somehow. But still we both get on eachother nerves. ...
Its time to let go !!! But how ??? Cos its really, really, yeh really harsh to find a way. She thinks I can't "take care off myself"...eq !! So so wrong.
Freedom : me, myself & I , like a girl somewhere wrote,, think it was Kristina who wrote that. Nee, I want someone more in my life! ;)
Soon home and pack my bag for the trip and try too call a friend (Jessica), then maybe something more if I got the time... 20:00 = TV-Time!!! svt2/chanel5 and food.
Will see IF I got the time and a comp too write something in Sthlm. Or else and annyway:
Be safe, tc and just try too relax, XOXO , jonna
Precious !
![We are all protected by God and in his hands can we rest out and just be ourselfes...](https://cdn1.cdnme.se/cdn/7-2/1042258/images/2009/p7160035_55462184.jpg)
Crazy in love//Crazy at the person!
I wanna be crazy in love, not crazy at/on the person that I really, really like übermuch. Should I say this in swedish at well?! Okey/Okej,,, Jag vill vara kär o galen o inte galen på den jag Är kär i.
Cos that isn't funny !
I want that person at least send me a sms not less then every third day or pleasent daily... Or else you will - for sure - drive me crazy. I mean it! Wh en it goes one-two days I just get frustrated and depression knock on my back and says: hello, and more, more and more I get in a vicous circle... pls don't let me be there! :( (Its like it almost gets like I am addicted to u/interdependent. And that is not good, but I feel good when I get message from u.) Yes, we both have to work on it toghether. You and me.
Så skicka sms:t nu !!!
My "hopes" etcetera starts to come crawly on to me .
Its like a dear friend off mine wrote in two sms yesterday evening (1/10-09)= English = 20:55//20:57 (pm) "Mmm, but he maybe are busy with something" // "Jojjo, he ough to/should inquire/get in touch daily/day-to-day if he is interest"... Swedish = "Mmm, men han kanske är upptagen med nåt" // "Jojjo, han bör höra av sig dagligen om han e intresserad"
I think thats a good though.
Cos I wanna be crazzzzy in love, alltoghether happy and just feel that everything will be allright when I am toghether with a guy.
XOXO , j
Becka, GUD o G är god!
Vigseln mellan Barbro Ingegerd Kristina Rydhamn & Lars Göran Martin Andersson var magnifik o magisk i lördags kl14... Önska dem ALL lycka etc som de kan komma att få! Glöm ej o ät middag med prästen o hans familj,, hahaa :p Ni var förtjusande!
Sen gick Becka hem till mor o mig o fika samt fiiiira hennes 15-årsdag lååångt i efterskott.
Till kvällen var det dags för Pingstkyrkan - Pingstan - där Simon Ådahl m team var o ruska om oss o gladde oss alla med Guds under ... JA, de sker än idag! <3
Jag var bara tvungen att gå mina 1 h o 20 min promenad runt i stan den natten! Becka, ja hon var ute o cruisa. hahaa :) Vad söööt hon ä min LillSiss !!
På söndagen var jag åter i Pingst på specialmöte...
Min skaparglädje o energi har åter påbörjat att flöda ! Och det är jag tacksam för, Taxx Gud o G !!! <3 <3
Nu ska jag chilla hem o ja kanske ha egenstudier
Gud älskar dig!
XOXO , j
A <3 lovly <3 singer & a song!
Mycket fastän ej, v.38 rusar fram...
Måndag: sjukgym - dusch - datortid i biblan, samtidigt som jag blödde näsblod o sen TV på kvällen (som alltid). Tisdag ramla jag fr cykeln o fick ett sår i vänstra axeln efter att jag hade varit hos Kommunteamet... Resten av dagen mådde jag skit. :(
Onsdag till KH på möte kl13.30, där jag även träffa Becka o min dag förgylldes. Löw U siss!!! <3 Sen drog jag till Kom.T o fika o stack så tillbax till stan o kolla lite på kläder på IIS m.m.
Torsdagen cykla jag till Kom.T o promenera 35 min med Monika o en go tjej, sen fika o tbax till stan till vc där jag sjukgyma. Sen hem o fika o efter det till datorn i biblan.
Idag fredag: Ställde radion (ps.P3) på 7.40. Till f.d. numera NRL med mor kl9.30 o sedan stan där LiNDEMARKEN nu pågår.
Imorgon/Lördag: Kanske duscha om jag ej gör det idag, sen TV på dagen o fira Becka i efterskott. Hon fyllde 15 år den 1a sept. !
Söndag: RÖSTA på Kyrkovalet! o sen vete jag sjutton i vad som sker...
Längar tills livet blir lite mer balanserat, det kommer med tiden serru!!! :)
Hare bra o tare lugnt o klanta dig ej som jag med cykeln så går det mesta bra o löser sig ska du se!!!! :P