
Today was the day when students ones again runned out, raise up theire joy and party! :P  Really nice spirit despite overcast weather and drizzel,, so was the people on top! =)) Really nice... more and more off this we need in this sociaty - despite all the drinkin!!! :)  Or what do u think?

I have been tired and have some kind of cold for an while now :S ; mostly cos I don't go to bed in time and often need too go up around 9am. Bad habbit :O ,  know that I really Need Too CHANGE sooner than soon! :P

But in all this I manage too keep a good mood and have some fun. But when I feel the tired comming over me or just rush through and capture me:
Well (then) I get tired and easy upset or just look out in the blue. And becouse Im tired I yawn during the day. 

Days like this are one of those days when I raither sit in and just goes out for an walk, but it wasn't so today. I woke up almost with a smile on my face (wasn't really so cos I also hurt my head and went back too sleep for an while, til' I needed too be awake :o) and saw that the weather was all gray.

Now Im sitting here writing and thinking that I new that this would be a good day, tjoheeej - cos I feelin good in my hart !!! =)

XOXO  , j

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